Adventure of Headwaters Pass
Caedric - Frontier Militiaman
Davik Windsong - Crystalsmith Journeyman
Delnaroi (Del) - Mountain Forester
Mother - Nodmaic Hunter
Rhutan (Root) - Wandering Adept
Five adventurers answered the call and gathered at the guild house noon on the first day of Summerrise in the year 452 in Hot Springs. The keeper was late, and hungover, and offered little advice, but he had the contracts ready, and the party set out on their way after examining some dusty old books in the basement. A generous villager offered them the services of a mule to help carry their gear up the steel slopes. The village all came out to see the adventurers depart, and many a young lad walked with them for the first few miles.
The travelers stopped towards evening after a long day's walk at the famous Headwaters Meadery, where they stayed for the night, to much merriment. In the (late) morning, the party headed up the slopes into the mountain pass where they found the walls of the abandoned outpost to be damaged. They scouted around to the top of plateau where a waterfall cascaded down. Up there, they were discovered by a hill giant named Boog who was very unhappy to have visitors, though they talked him out of smooshing them, thanks to their shared enemy, the kobolds. He explained that their clan leader was sick from kobold poison, and a much meaner giant was going to challenge for leadership of the clan.
Fearing that the outpost was not safe, the party explored the base of the cliffs and found a cave behind the waterfall where the made camp. While doing so another group inspected the Great Tree, and found noxious gas and thick thorny vines growing.
They investigated the entrance of the tunnel which was crudely booby trapped. They fired a light down the passage and saw little but debris and a long straight passageway. Then night fell.
Towards midnight lights were spotted heading to the outpost. Rhutan and Mother went to investigate, and though they fought and killed 2 kobolds and their wolf, the hunter took an arrow in the midsection and two more kobolds escaped.