Journal of the Count

The county of Headwaters includes Hot Springs, the mountain pass up to the high-rim, and a good number of small cascading steams and that form the rivers and give the county its namesake. It's Count officially governs from Greydeep Castle, but spends most of his time at their manor near the headwaters of the Urwane River, just north of the village of Hot Springs. This is an excerpt of a journal of the young count (27), his father having died in battle a few years ago on campaign in the East. His friends call him Rowe.

7 Summerrise 458
Arrived in Hot Springs after a day's ride with my men. The people were joyous. To my great relief and surprise, the Adventuring Guild had succeeded in clearing out the mountain pass in time for the pilgrims. Soon the trade routes would open in full for the summer. We'll need iron from the South to meet our military quota to the King for the year.

The owner of the Golden Shield tavern hosted a banquet in their honor. We stayed up late into the night. Several pilgrims said that the wizard tower fell. Amazing - that it had stood without a mark for a thousand years, and that now it was ruins. I must go see it for myself. Besides, they reported rumblings in the mountains, and I suspect we'll have some cleanup to do up there.

A motley contingent of travelers and adventurers from the coast ate with us. They were on their way southwards over the mountains and into the wild lands to adventure for the summer. I spoke with many of them, and was careful to drink enough to be one of them for a night, but not so much that I forget what we talked about. They spoke of far away countries and places, and dreams of riches. Quests for glory. So hopeful and confident that they could break the Hoarde. I wished them the best. How I would love to explore the wild lands with them. But alas, I have my duties to my people and my King.

I'd missed most of our new champions. I'd like to have met them all, but I did meet a young crystal smith named Davik. He said goblins had found a crystal seam, and the rumors are that magical beasts are returning to the high forests. We debated whether it would be wise to reopen the crystal mine. We could use some crystals to bolster our armies to fight the Hoarde. But the old books are full of stories of lands laid waste by digging too deep into the mountains.

I think it wise to personally oversee it. If we leave the mountains alone, then we are at the whims of whatever prospectors hear the rumors.

12 Summerrise 458
The fresh mountain air always stirs up my spirits from the past. I used to come up here each year with my friends in Springset before we'd march out East for the summer. Now so many of them are gone and I'm the Count. Though I'm here with three of them, I feel alone.

The trees are fuller than I remembered. It's going to take time to get used to being on the late end of the calendar for the call to arms. My contingent is not due in the capital for another month.

Yesterday was a long day at the Meadery. We held council all day and late into the night with the other noble families in Headwaters. A few scholars, artisans, guilds men, and adventurers were present as well.

We have stationed thirty of our best noble warriors to garrison the fallen tower. It has already attracted many curious folks, looters, and seekers of fortune. I am worried what treasures have already been carted off into and sold off to the highest bidder. The Minister of Magic will surely be arriving soon. I'm not sure if that will make things better or worse. I aim to be gone before he arrives. How I hate dealing with the Ministers. I wish I could have remained the third son.

We agreed to garrison the stockade with two score of men. We hand picked a number of aging veterans and young lads. They'll build three additional barracks. We also recruited a few acolyte crystal smiths and a nature priest, who will oversee the building of a small temple for the pilgrims.

The crystal mine will reopen. We negotiated a deal with the crystal smith guild and the mining guild and it will be overseen by the noble families and historians to ensure safety. A dozen veteran soldiers will be stationed inside the mine at all times. They will take quarter in the old dwarven lookout. It is a good sheltered spot with good visibility, and I should say I would like to spend the night there myself. They can light signal fires here that are easily seen from the stockade. The stockade can light fires to be seen from the Meadery. From there a swift rider can reach Hot Springs within a half day. We can muster a militia of one hundred within two days. The militia will be made up of mostly those unfit to serve, so they will only be asked to hold guard at the walls Meadery until a reinforcements arrive.

20 Summerrise 458
I finally had a chance to meet with another of the Adventuring Guildsmen. He caught my ear with his dialect. Del is his name. He speaks in a flavor of the old tongues, like the wild men of the mountain tribes. I camped with him for a full day as we toured the area. He told me many tales. His stories were short and sometimes took a bit of effort to piece together. But I was a rapt listener. In the end it was like only drinking mead for a meal. It left me empty with an appetite for more.

I met with the giant leader a few days ago. We've had a good run with this leader. My father speaks of dark days from years past where the merchants always had trouble in the mountain pass because of the giants.The leader is old, and grey, but still strong. I arranged to bring him a gift of twenty sheep as a thank you. I spoke of the plans to open the mine. They were not happy to heard this. They are worried a village will spring up here again. With a village comes greedy lowland folk, they say, and they're worried we'll encroach their plateau. I assured him there will be no permanent settlement. The winters are too harsh in the mountains for many men to want to stay.

We assembled all present at the stockade today. The sun shone brightly and the day was warm and long. Most of the garrisons we agreed on had arrived. I spoke about our mission to keep the trade roads open to the south and about their role in keeping the people of Headwaters safe from the Hoarde. Spirits were bright today. The foundation of the new building is already being laid out.

Tomorrow I take leave of our homeland. A courier arrived at the stockade last night and said the Duke has moved up our deployment. I am sorry I did not get a chance to say a proper farewell to Del. I thought I would see him again.

25 Summerrise 458
Assembled our force at the parade grounds by Hot Springs. Gave a short talk to the men. One hundred six in total. There are many new faces this year.
28 Summerrise 458
On the coast. Waiting on our ship to sail us to Ardent. We recruited two young crystal smiths, a war god priest, and a sun god priest. We wanted to hire a harvest priest, but their price was triple from last year, and we could not pay it. The rumor going around is that the harvest priests have had a major breakthrough and are magically able to heal wounds through a complex sacrifice ritual. They are in high demand.

30 Summerrise 458
I hate boats.

2 Midsummer 458
Arrived in port in the early afternoon. We're staying in the barracks outside of the city walls. We'll await a review by the Council of Defense who will grade our force and assign us accordingly.

3 Midsummer 458
The company ran formation drills in front of the Archduke. He seemed displeased. I don't think we rated well. I'm hoping hand-to-hand combat goes better. The quarters here are rough. We camp on the edge of the marshes below the cliffs of Adrent. Camping from here, I can see why the capital has never been in any real danger from a land army.
4 Midsummer 458
The company ran man to man sword combat with the elite forces of the Archduke. He seemed more displeased than yesterday. At least archery was not a disaster. I spoke with the Duke of Greyfield. We rated in the middle of the pack on archery. We were last place in swords, and nearly so on formations. He was a good friend of my fathers, but he was dismissive, and said I had a lot to learn. I don't doubt that, but I couldn't stop myself from breaking a quarterstaff over my knee as soon as he was out of sight. We had a good company before they put us front and center against the Horde for six years in a row. I know what I'm doing, but it takes time to train a force.
6 Midsummer 458
Something finally went well. Today's mission was mountain combat. We made it through the mountain obstacles first, and surprised the elite forces from the other day with a charge out of the woods that sent the scattering.

7 Midsummer 458
Yesterday was a day of rest for the company. The smiths, mages and my inner circle went to the market. I was called to the Court.

This was the first time I was summoned. The Court was a long hike from the camp. I walked through the main gates, and up the long stairs along the cliffs into the main city market. Then through four more sets of walls, each one open and unguarded, save the last. I had to show my noble signet to enter, as the Captain there did not recognize me. He said he knew my father and eldest brother.

We met in a large sturdy hall, held up by timbers made of magnificent wood that I didn't recognize. The wood was unblemished though this hall was centuries old. The King sat at the head of a long table. I could barely see him in the dim light from our end. I was not granted a seat at the table, that was reserved for higher nobles. At least forty sat at the table, and another hundred stood along the walls.

Those at the table at well. Bread was passed around for us behind, and we ate for some time before the King spoke. He thanked us all for our service and commitment to fighting the Hoarde. He spoke of the North Kingdom's role as protector of the civilized lands from the Hoarde. He thanked some allies for attending. Two Dukes from Dythia, as well as a Commander from Riace. The Archduke, Minister of War, sent the rest of us out, while they made war plans. Many of us were annoyed, but we were greeted by a green courtyard with a keg of beer, so not all was lost.

The sun was getting low when they began summoning us back one by one. I was one of the last in the courtyard, and it was getting dark by the time they called me in.

We're assigned to Mountain Defense. I report to Duke Olaf of Icefall starting tomorrow.

23 Midsummer 458
We spent the middle of the month preparing. I met with my new superior, who seems a good man. They live in the icy cold lands, and make their living on mining crystals. They tend to be a bit slower than our folk, but very tough. I think they may have some dwarven blood in them.

We've crossed over the mountains and out onto the Eastern foothills. The land is still forested here for the most part, though the sky seems considerably less cloudy than back home. Not much action to report yet. The men are well fed and happy. Some wish we were with the main army.

We've split our forces and spread them along a dozen hills, using fires and two-man messenger systems. Our half has taken the Southern section, while the Duke has set up guard North of the gap.

Every day we see another thousand men march out of the gap to meet with the main army.

26 Midsummer 458
Word from the front is that Gulsh has been liberated from the Hoarde, and the orcish armies have taken severe losses.
A small contingent of kobolds were captured this morning on hill #5, trying to cross over the mountains.
28 Midsummer 458
A bit of a close call for me yesterday at dusk. It happened very fast. I was on patrol on hill #3 with my close guard when we spotted a flock of flying creatures heading to hill #4. We set the warning fire ablaze, and headed over to support. It turned out to be wyverns. There were eight or nine in all. Halfway throughout the fight, a company of goblins sprung on us. At one point, one of my close guards, Buck, spotted a Wyvern swooping down at my back while I was engaged with two goblins, and saved me. We lost several, and the battle was even, but when the captain on hill #5 arrived, it broke the goblin raid, and the wyverns flew away.

In the end I scored three goblin kills, and two Wyvern kills. We killed nine goblins in total, and five Wyverns. We had six wounded, and two lost. We decided to stay on hill #4 to fortify it. Found a few small crystals, and some typical goblin gear.

Still not sure if it was a coordinated attack, or if the goblins were in the area and saw an opportunity.

3 Summerset 458
The hills we defend have been quiet - no counter attacks. Had visitors in camp. We fed them, and shared stories. Their hunting party ran afoul of some goblins south of here. They saw signs of a large force. The mountains to the South are undefended. There are enough old mines and ruins in those hills that they could take a foothold, and possibly even cross the mountains.
4 Summerset 458
I'm going to lead an expedition south. The crystal smiths and my personal guard will travel with me. We consolidated on the two most defensible hills - Old Man and Falconhead. We leave behind only a few of the veterans, and most of the recruits.
5 Summerset 458
Heavy rains slowed our progress. We were forced to send our horses and heavier equipment behind. Had to send back many men to, since we couldn't move our rations.

We press on now with sixteen soldiers, the crystal smith, his apprentice, and four rugged horned oxes.

12 Summerset 458
It's been cloudy, but the rain has held off. The ground is still wet underwood, and we're all a mess. We've run across tracks of goblins, but we're a loud parade in the woods. We'll never find anything this way.
13 Summerset 458
We camped in the ruins of an abandoned trading post atop a hill. Looks like an old road used to run up here along a stream up into the mountains. Probably a mine up there, or maybe a hunting camp. We're going to stay here for a few days and scout out the area.

17 Summerset 458
Surprise attack four days ago at night. Driven up into the mountains. Lost the apprentice, three soldiers, all our oxes, and most of our supplies. We tried to circle around, but the land here is suddenly of vermin and evil.

We have no choice but to continue South towards Tarsa, and hope for the best.

19 Summerset 458
Up in a crook in the mountains we found a small forgotten hut. Holes in the roof. Broken hinge on the door. Overgrown. A few went inside and found some dried meat and a flask of liquor. We thought it was a hunting lodge. A old woman came down the way with a large staff, yelling and hollering, "Thieves." "Bandits."

We stood in front of the hut. She asked who was the leader, and I stepped forward and apologized. I caught a terrible twinkle in her eye. She hurled a black pearl at me. It broke on the ground, and black smoke swirled up in the air. The ends of the swirls looked like fingers, and the smoke flew into my nose. I tried to cough it out, but nothing came.

Everything got strange. I could not move. The hut was well kept, with a garden and flowers out front. The old hag, a blazing white phantom. I heard terrible shrieking as they dragged me back to camp.

We lost Kuran. He aimed an arrow at her, but she flung him high up in the air, and he fell hard and broke his neck. We burned his body tonight and mourned.

My eyes have turned grey. I see everything differently. I do not feel cold, but the light of the sun burns my skin.

My mind is consumed with violent thoughts I dare not write down.

Late Summerset 458
The crystal smith said I was cursed. He was not able to lift it.

We heard a huge rumbling on the next mountain. At first we thought it was a rock slide, but one of our gents with keen sight said he saw people moving around over there.

We broke camp quickly and headed East towards the mountain.

I did not feel well, but I kept up with the others. We stuck to the cover of trees, and fortunately, the sky was an overcast grey.

Near dusk our advance scouts ran into a panicked band of orcs today. They walked right into our trap, and it was a slaughter. I kept it to myself, but I swear the orcs looked like men.

Must be the curse.


My spirits felt brighter as we approached the mountain. We went up the slopes and ran into a few tribesmen. This was their mountain, and the home of their god. They had an accent like the adventurer we hired from home.

One of them was a shaman, and could tell I was under a curse, and urged me to pray to his goddess at the temple up the way. He said a sacrifice would help.


I didn't make it to the top - some of my men carried me. They laid me in the temple, and we gave an offering. My ancestral sword.

I had a long dreamlike visit into the divine realm of Ea. She was pleased with our presence, our deeds, and our offering.

Though I have lost my sword, I have been cured. She gave me a quest.


On the way down the mountain, Del found us. Strange to see him again. He had some new friends. Gnolls from overmountain. Glad I always insisted we treat them well and let them be. Never expected them to become allies. Just trying to avoid making enemies with neutrals.

Says a lot about the growing threat of the Hoarde.

End of the Journal

Continues with Ea vs Azkladash